The 2020 Census is a very important event for all Americans and all Kansans. It is a paramount civic duty that not only shapes the future of our state but our local communities as well. 

 As we approach mid-September, I am encouraging all Kansans to participate in the 2020 Census. I urge anyone who has not filled out their Census form to please do so by; filing electronically, by phone, by using a paper form or by responding to a census enumerator. 

 Please file BEFORE September 30th. There are only ten short and easy to answer questions. The impact that registering has on our state and the 40th Senate District are immense. Our census numbers determine how many congressional seats our state will have and determines how many federal dollars Kansas receives and where they are distributed. Your census responses are confidential and are only done every ten years. I encourage all family members, neighbors and friends to fill out their census forms. YOU MAKE OUR COMMUNITIES COUNT. The census can be completed by logging into or by phone at 844-330-2020.

 Times are different, due to the Coronavirus pandemic, but I hope to see many of the people in the 40th District as I campaign for re-election. If you are interested in helping with my campaign or would be willing to put a yard sign out, please contact me by email or text me at 785-899-4700.

 Thank you in advance for helping to ensure that our local communities count and our voices are heard.